PortSIP PBX v12.3.2 released


March 05, 2021 – PortSIP, developer of next-generation unified communications systems today announced the launch of PortSIP PBX v12.3.2 for both Windows and Linux Docker.

v12.3.2 is a minor update focus on the bug fix that provides excellent stability, we recommend user update to it.

Below are steps for update PortSIP PBX v12.2 to v12.3.2.

Windows user:

  1. Download the new PBX installer at https://www.portsip.com/download-portsip-pbx/
  2. Double click the installer then follow the instructions to install.

Linux user:

  1. Perform “sudo docker stop -t 120 portsip-pbx” to stop PortSIP PBX.
  2. Perform “sudo docker rm portsip-pbx” to delete the PortSIP docker instance.
  3. Perform “sudo docker image list” to list currently docker images, use “sudo docker image rm” to delete the old PortSIP PBX image.
  4. Now follow up this link to install the new PortSIP PBX: https://www.portsip.com/knowledge-base/setup-portsip-pbx-for-linux/

Important: don’t delete the /var/lib/portsip folder, otherwise the PBX data will be lost.

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