PortSIP PBX v16.3.0 is Ready

PortSIP PBX v16.4.1

March 11, 2024, PortSIP, a leading developer of modern unified communications solutions, announced the release of PortSIP PBX v16.3.0, available for both Windows and Linux platforms.

The PortSIP PBX v16.3.0 is a minor release for fixing bugs and adding some new features and is recommended for all users.

Key Updates in PortSIP PBX Release v16.3.0

  • We’ve moved the Microsoft 365 settings from the global scope to the tenant level. Now, each tenant administrator can configure Microsoft 365 integration independently, without requiring assistance from the System Administrator.
  • We’ve redesigned the login page for the PBX Web Portal, Windows app, and WebRTC app.
  • New outbound rules will now use their own office hours by default, instead of using the tenant’s office hours.
  • We’ve made changes to the username format limitations.
  • System Administrators and Dealers are now allowed to change their usernames.
  • We’ve updated the SMTP username format validation to be compatible with AWS SES.
  • We’ve fixed a bug where, if a call was answered on the IP Phone or Desktop app, the mobile app would continue ringing for a while.
  • Tenant administrators can now subscribe to the CDR event for the entire tenant scope.
  • We’ve added an option for the trunk to remove the SRTP line, resolving compatibility issues with some trunks.
  • We’ve introduced a new permission to control access to company contacts.
  • Tenant administrators can now clear device registration and app push information on the Web Portal for an extension.
  • We’ve added a new feature that allows re-provisioning of all phones for a tenant.
  • Fix a bug count the concurrent calls are incorrect on a trunk for some special scenarios.
  • Support the English UK language.

REST API changes

  •   Remove GET /api/token.
  •   Remove POST /api/token/refresh.
  •   Remove POST /api/token/destroy.
  •   Add POST /api/login/by_microsoft for Microsoft 365 integrated login.
  •   Add GET /api/login for users to get their current login status.
  •  Modify GET /api/info to accept an optional query parameter domain. When the domain parameter is specified in the request, the server will additionally return the public properties name, domain, website, avatar_url, enable_ms365_integration, ms365_authorization_endpoint of the corresponding tenant.
  •   Add GET /api/users/:id/status/:instance_id/destroy_status to clear the login information of a specified user.
  •   Rename POST /api/phones/{mac}/reprovsion to POST /api/phones/{mac}/reprovision.
  •   Add POST /phones/reprovision to reconfigure all phones.
  •   Add a configurable property remove_srtp_info for the Trunk.
  •   Modify the username format validation rules to allow a sequence of 1-64 characters that can include uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, underscores, hyphens, periods, and single quotes. However, periods are not allowed at the beginning or end.
  •   Add POST /api/admin/username for users to change the system administrator's username.
  •   Add POST /api/dealer/username to change the dealer's username.
  •   Add GET /api/user/call_queues to get the list of call queues that the currently logged-in user belongs to.
  •   Add GET /api/user/call_queues/:id/agent to get the agent status of the specified call queue that the currently logged-in user belongs to.
  •   Add POST /api/user/call_queues/:id/agent to set the agent status of the specified call queue that the currently logged-in user belongs to.
  •   Add GET /api/users/:id/call_queues to get the list of call queues that a specified user belongs to.
  •   Add GET /api/users/:id/call_queues/:queue_id/agent to get the agent status of the specified call queue that a specified user belongs to.
  •   Add POST /api/users/:id/call_queues/:queue_id/agent to configure the agent status of the specified call queue that a specified user belongs to.

Users running PortSIP PBX v16.0.x, v16.1.x, v16.2.x are advised to follow the provided guide for upgrading the PBX: Upgrading PortSIP PBX v16.x to the Latest Version.

PortSIP SBC v10.0.10

In addition to the PBX release, PortSIP has also rolled out the SBC v10.0.10. This minor release is focused on enhancing the user experience for WebRTC clients.

The following changes are included in this release:

  • Updated the WebRTC client App to support the English UK language.
  • Support control of the agent status of the queues
  • Fixed minor bugs

Users are advised to follow the guide titled Upgrading PortSIP SBC v10.x to the Latest Version for a smooth upgrade process.


The Apps for Windows Desktop, WebRTC, iOS, and Android are also updated for the adoption of the PBX v16.3.0 and SBC release, please update.